International women’s day in India – why do we celebrate it? etc.

International women’s dayInternational women’s day in India

When is International women’s day celebrated and why do we celebrate it?

Women’s day in India is celebrated on 8th March and it is celebrated to acknowledge and observe the development of women in various aspects like in cultural, political, social, and economic areas. To make their rights identified for a contribution towards their success and also to make people aware about women’s rights and gender equality.

What are the aims and objectives of celebrating international women’s day?

Women’s day in India is celebrated keeping in mind the following objectives-

  • To promote and raise awareness of women’s rights.
  • To have equality in opportunities in life.
  • To reflect the progressive role in society.
  • To perform acts of courage and determination.

 When was the first international women’s day celebrated in India?

International women’s day was held on the 8th of march in 1914 in Germany. The first country that recognized the celebration of women’s rights was Germany. The day came probably on Sunday and therefore 8th march on Sunday was being declared as the internal women’s day. in 1914, this day was observed to be dedicated to the women which in lieu of this day had the right to vote which was a political representation towards women’s rights in Germany.

Why international women’s day is celebrated on 8th march?

The international women’s day in India was celebrated on the 8th of the march on the basis of the socialist movement that took place wherein the women got the political identity which means suffrage in soviet Russia which was accepted by all the communist countries and India being one of them.

What is the flower for International Women’s Day?

international women’s day is recognized for more than 100 years, Europe and America being the countries where it was. The feminists chose the mimosa flower as a symbol of international women’s day in India also that represented strength, sensibility, and sensitivity for this day

What colors signify international women’s day in India?

The color that represents international women’s day is purple, green and white where purple denotes justice and dignity. Green symbolizes hope and white are represented for purity. These colors are the results of women’s social and political union.

What is the significance of international women’s day in India?

International women’s day in India is celebrated worldwide and considered to be one of the recognized days for celebrating the dignity of women around the world.  Its significance is brought up as its importance to be recognized in the world and they are-

  • To celebrate the achievements of women
  • To maintain dignity and standard of women equality
  • To raise awareness of the rights of the women
  • To uphold the female-focused charities

What is the theme for international women’s day in India for 2021?

The theme of International women’s day in India and around the globe for 2021 is ‘choose to challenge’.

International women’s day in the era of covid-19 pandemic

The theme of the international women’s day in India for 2021 is ‘Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world.”

The said theme states about the efforts put by the women and girls for maintaining equality in future prospects and having solutions and precautions from the covid19 pandemic. It also focuses upon participation and decision-making in society and elimination of violence and promoting gender equality. The theme also lay down the generation equality campaign which says about the women’s rights in an area of domestic work and unpaid care by the women.

The process of decision-making shares equality in terms of equal pay and ending all sorts of violence that can hamper the rights and the peaceful environment of the society.

In the era and during the period of pandemic women came forward to support and stand at frontlines to support the situation faced by the people worldwide. These women represented themselves and the health care workers, innovators, organizers of the community, and making themselves national and international leaders to look forward the measures to curb covid-19 in the pandemic.

The crises also empowered women to stand strong and strengthen the theme of international women’s day in the prospect of having their contribution in various areas of difficulties.

The women also demonstrated their skills, knowledge, and leading towards effective channels in response towards the covid19 by taking precautions and measures to control the situations.

The women bring about various contributions that are irreplaceable for decision making and policies following up with the updated laws representing women’s rights with experiences and their skills.

International women’s day in India 2021 makes a remark that having being celebrated in the pandemic still, women are ready to uphold their rights and stand firm to contribute towards the world which in turn can lead to women’s dignity and identification for their rights.

Also in addition to this, women’s participation and leadership have been persistent in pre-existing social and systematic barriers that have increased during this pandemic. All over the world, women are facing domestic violence, contributing to unpaid care duties or works, unemployment, and facing unconditional poverty.

International women’s day comes forward to recognize such barriers that are still faced by women across the globe and to give effect the rights that are given to women with respect to this day.

The front line workers have been represented in form of women in national as well as international covid19 policies.

The women’s leadership in pandemic has built them strong potentially working towards in response and having their diversities for the formulation and implementation of such areas and programs in all spheres and also almost in every stage of pandemic.

The united nation has responded towards the dedication of gender equality and women empowerment and also launched a shadow pandemic public awareness campaign that focused on the increase of domestic violence with respect to covid-19 health crises worldwide.

The measures that are taken by the women with respect to covid-19 situations has been contributed towards the objectives and basis of international women’s day in India and they are-

1.      Realization of gender equality

2.      Creating opportunities in terms of employment

3.      Raising standards for universal health coverage

4.      Increasing the potentials

5.      Ensuring securities in terms of health

6.      Protection of women’s rights in respect of their interests.


Article by – Nitisha Sharma

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