Transfer Certificate

Transfer Certificate

1. Introduction

A Transfer Certificate is one that is substantially in the format mandated in the Schedule 4 (Form of Transfer Certificate) or in another form accepted upon by the Negotiator and the Supplicant. A student who left the institution and earned a Transfer Certificate (TC) from the college is not entitled to re-admission.

A transfer certificate is a form prepared by the institution’s in-charge and sent to a student upon his request. If a student decides to leave an institution, college, or school, the competent authorities will prepare a transfer certificate. The transfer certificate comprises of the student’s personal information and mentions the student’s date of birth as recorded by the college, when and which module the student registered in, whether he/she passed or failed, and it also verifies that the student paid all of his dues to the institution and is not a defaulter. According to the documents, this also includes the mother’s and father’s names, as well as the family’s profession.

A transfer certificate is a document granted to a student by the organization’s competent authorities upon his request. If a student is required to leave an institution, college, or school, a transfer certificate is issued that includes the student’s individual points of interest and describes the student’s accordance to the record of that finding, the student’s date of birth, when and which course the student learnt at the start, the last class graduated or failed, and that the pupil pays all of his tuition to the school and is not a defaulter.

2. Purpose for Obtaining the Transfer Certificate

This certificate is given by the school or college authority to confirm that the student was a genuine scholar of their institution, that he/she owes NO DUES to the institute, and that it also acts as the student’s Conduct Certificate. Although this certification is presented in its original version by the school or college to which the student is applying, it frequently acts as a binding document and evidence that the student is only applying to ONE college or institution, rather than numerous schools and colleges of the same name.

3. Importance of Transfer Certificate

When a student quits his or her school or institute after passing their examination, a Transfer Certificate is necessary.

– And if the student is leaving school at any grade level (for example, 8th grade), he or she needs a TC from your school.

– However if a student just passes the final standard at either institute, he or she will receive a TC.

– In the tenth grade, if a pupil is leaving his or her school and enrolling in another on the same board for the more intermediate class, he or she will need a TC.

Transfer Certificate

4. Role of Transfer Certificate

The Transfer Certificate’s purpose is to ensure that a student only enrols in one normal course or college at a time. This prevents entrance into certain entities and must be created in Original in order to cancel subsequent TC. For starters, it is for ensuring that former institutions’ fees and other liabilities have been fully charged.

 The TC can be issued only after all dues have been paid; if the TC is not requested, many people will flee without paying their debts. TC may also certify the students’ character and actions in the school textbook. If a pupil is evicted from school as a penalty, it should be recorded in TC.

 It is a statute that allows for the transfer of jurisdiction and proof of no debt owed to the former school, which is normally the most recent university or board attended. Institutions that provide degree programmes frequently need a migration and, in some circumstances, a TC, but certificates are not required for independent institutions that are not affiliated with an institution and if the student continues on to a master’s degree at the same university after completing their bachelor’s degree, no TC is needed. Many organisations charge a small fee for this service, which is normally signed by the registrar of the governing body.

5. Essentials to include in Transfer Certificate

The application’s aim is to get the student out of his or her current school and into another. The following points should be kept in mind when writing a transfer certificate :

– Reason for Applying: Students must have a valid and genuine reason for requiring a leaving certificate.

– Request for TC: Submit an application for the credential to the school administrator or class teacher, explaining that it is critical to obtain the TC.

– Documents added for entry to other institutes: Attach the documentation needed by another school/institute for entry.

– Make a note of the following dates for the issuance of certificates: Students may also propose a certain day or an earlier date to avoid problems.

Now that students understand what information must be used in the TC application letter, they should look at several examples of the leaving letter. Students should allude to these letters and utilise them as needed.

6. Example for a Transfer Certificate

Subject – Due to the Father’s Job transfer to other location, Application for Transfer Certificate

The Director,
____________ High School,
City: ___________

Subject: Applying for a School Leaving Certificate

Respected Sir,
I’d like to notify you that my father has been transferred to Mumbai. He has 18 days to start his new job there. We intend to relocate on the next Sunday, the 23rd of this month. As a result, I humbly request that you provide me with my school transfer certificate so that I can register in a new school in your district.

I have paid off all of my outstanding library fines and returned all of my library books.

Thanking You!

Yours Sincerely,

7. Case Laws

– On January 18, 2011, Alamelu & Anr vs State Rep.By Inspector Of Police

Without a question, the transfer certificate, Ex.P16, reveals that the child was born on June 15, 1977. As a result… the age was registered. The transfer certificate’s date of birth has no evidentiary validity unless it is accompanied by a birth certificate.

– Sundaramurthy vs The Chief Secretary on 13 August, 2015

Entries discovered in the corrected Birth Certificate, SSLC Book, and Transfer Certificate and grant all resulting benefits For Petitioner…, dated 10.09.2009, the petitioner has demanded that the date of birth in the SSLC Transfer Certificate be changed.

– Gaurav Shukla vs State Of U.P. & Anoather on 18 March, 2016

The birth date has been stated. This can only be achieved if the matriculation certificate is discovered… various points of time and the date of birth stated in the transfer certificate given by the previous schools.

– Panneerselvam vs State Rep.By on 18 November, 2014

Transfer Certificate and from the documents, they issued Transfer Certificate by filling in the Date of Birth… claimed that the Date of Birth on the Transfer Certificate was 17.7.1989 and also acknowledged that.

8. Note

A school Transfer Certificate or Leaving Certificate is a formal request to the school by an applicant to make a transfer from one institution to another institution. Students tend to request a school leaving certificate for a variety of reasons. One simple explanation is that after they have completed class 10th or class 12th, they would like to go to another school to continue their education. Often a student’s family is moved to a different location for work and wishes to accompany them, which is another excuse to obtain TC from college and education.

The application for TC from the school is a letter from the school principal requesting the issuance of a TC. The student may be unable to enrol in another school, college, or institute until he or she has this paper. Similarly, in order to acquire entry to another institution, college students may acquire their TC application forms for college and school from the dean or director of the college.

Reference – Collegedisha

                                                                                                                   Article by 
 Sahil Madan Mate

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