Environment day: When we talk environment it is one of the grave problem that people are facing today. Today people are facing Global Warming and it is going in a very great height because jungle is turning into concret buildings and because of that we are not getting fresh air .
Heat is increasing day by day and because of that there is global warming and world will come to an end.
In the country like India our Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi who Started Swach Bharat Abhiyan which keeps city neat and clean. People at large participated tried to clean rivers and from rivers many garbages were removed and there on many area was cleaned city Road was cleaned and who ever does this good work gets facilitation.
So in many country care is taken that environment is not disturbed more and more trees to be grown so that problem should be faced by the future generation. By seeing the situation new innovation are made such as now electric cars are launched so that people will give up diesel and petrol car.
But in the Country like India pollution is increasing day by day because of vehicle that is increasing day by day on the Road. When we see the statistics was removed where it was seen that in each each house has 4-5 vehicle in one house.
Our environment should be saved to a great level where trees should be saved and we should say no to crackers and so on.
What is the time of World Environment Day 2021?
World Environment Day is celebrated Every Year on 5th of june as auspicious day for a good cause and to show to everyone that all countries are one and there is no enmity between them. 2021 Environment is something special and the Theme for this year is Host Country
Which country will host the World Environment 2021?
Pakistan is the country who is hosting the World Environment Day 2021 with the partnership with the UN (United Nations) it’s theme is ecosystem restoration which talks about nature.
Who started Environment Day?
World Environment Day was Established by United States in the year 1972.
Why is World Environmental Day Celebrated?
World Environment Day was First Started in the Year 1974 and from that day it is Being Celebrated 5th June of Every Year. It is being Organized Because Environment and Green Environment Should be Protected and Every One main aim to focus on Nature such as plants and Animals. It is a positive impact for everyone.
What is nature time?
True nature of time is very special that everyone should keep it in mind and respect the nature. Time is connected to time because if we don’t respect time than nature will not respect us.
What is the theme of World Environment Day 2021 in India?
The theme is ecosystem restoration by the UN. This Restoration started from 2021 till 2030.

What is the slogan of Environment Day?
There are many slogan which are used for Environment day last year slogan was basically based on pollution level disease. The Slogans Which are being used are as follows:
- Time is nature.
- Safe Earth to Save Life.
- Reduce or Reuse or Recycle.
- Keep clean and go clean.
- Say no to pollution.
- Stand up for earth.
- Plant trees take the pledge.
- Raise your voice, not pollution.
- Say no to pollution.
- A Tree for peace
- Trees are life,Don’t Cut Them.
These are few slogan used during Environment Day.
Why is 5th June celebrated as Environment Day?
5th June is celebrated every year because it encourages awareness and protect the environment and Environment day is a great day and it is a good platform and people all round are supporting this cause because everyone wants to save the world.
How do you wish your environment Day?
I celebrate my environment day by planting a tree near my house and we take care that our environment is neat and clean. We should not just not just wait for this day we can plant tree every month so that our environment will be full of greenery. Now a days many birds have turned extinct because of the tower signal and because are axed down .
Nature is great problem in the society and we are spoiling the environment we are razing the jungle just to built tall towers. Global warming has become world wide issue because just because of every year Rain there flood all over the Globe. Earlier only 4 months there is Rainy Season but now a days any time in 12 months rain comes. That is Why Environment Day was introduced where countries in the Globe became members so that all of them they can tack!e the situation together .
So as a law abiding citizen every person has the right to save the environment. As we know that jungle is razed down and just building is there. There is no fresh air.
Air rate is declining day by day because of that serious illness is happening to the people .
People are innovating technology but at the same time disturbing the natural environment because of that there are Earthquake happening mostly and tsunami is taking place destruction is happening because of the natural calamities.
Now also in some countries earthquake is still happening and that also in high magnitude.
So we request people please save environment and not to disrupt it.
We should not use plastic because it spoil the nature because of use of plastic and throwing it away plastic gets chocked up.
Burning of plastic is also not good it spoils the air quality.
Water level of the sea is increasing day by day because of that many place because of the Rain floods took place at the great height. We know about the incident in kedarnath where houses and temple went inside the water because of Rain and water level increased.
One more incident which happened in Tamil Nadu is the Tsunami that took place and because of that houses were washed away and people died.
So we expect people to save the environment at a great level so that the globe should not come to an end.
Where floods used to not take place now floods are taking place. Acid Rain is taking place nowadays. So we request people to save the environment.
Reference – UNO